Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the UCP, and integrated member of the Communication and Society Research Centre (Minho University)

I Culture Days: Religion, Church and Society

Duque, Eduardo J; Dinis, Alfredo; Santos, Costa; Curado, Manuel; Cruz, Paulo. I Culture Days: Religion, Church and Society, 2010 (Other / Organization).
Guests: João Seabra, UCP; António Ribeiro, UC; José Eduardo Franco, UL; Carlos Magno; Carlos Carneiro; Manuel Carvalho (Público); Miguel Bandeira, UM; João Duque, UCP; Daniel Serrão, FMUP; António Rego, TVI; Manuel Clemente; Eugénio da Fonseca; Adriano Moreira. 

Original title: I Jornadas da Cultura: Religião, Igreja e Sociedade.

