Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the UCP, and integrated member of the Communication and Society Research Centre (Minho University)



  • Education in the Middle Ages: contextualizing teacher training practices

    Duque, Eduardo. Education in the Middle Ages: contextualizing teacher training practices, Research in education, teacher training, Brasil, 2020 (Conference or lecture). 15.07.2020 Original title: A educação na Idade Média: contextualizando as práticas formativas de professores.
  • Education seen by the Greeks and Romans: itineraries of ongoing training.

    Duque, Eduardo. Education seen by the Greeks and Romans: itineraries of ongoing training, Research in education, teacher training, Brasil, 2020 (Conference or lecture).13.07.2020 Original title: A educação vista pelos gregos e romanos: itinerários da formação permanente.
  • Older people in society: a changing country

    Duque, Eduardo. Older people in society: a changing country, Protecting the elderly, Amares, 2019 (Other). 6.12.2019 Original title: Os Idosos na Sociedade: um país em mudança.
  • The transformations of Education. From tradition to current uncertainty

    Duque, Eduardo. The transformations of Education. From tradition to current uncertainty. I Symposium on Didactic Resources and Technologies, Brasil, 2019 (Conference or lecture). 3.12.2019 Original title: As transformações da Educação. Da tradição à incerteza atual.
  • Care of the elderly: from social protection to family care

    Duque, Eduardo. Care of the elderly: from social protection to family care, Protecting the Elderly, Vieira do Minho, 2019 (Other). 29.11.2019 Original title: O cuidado das pessoas idosas: da proteção social aos cuidados na família.
  • Autonomy and dignity in old age: the importance of the elderly in our lives

    Duque, Eduardo. Autonomy and dignity in old age: the importance of the elderly in our lives, Protecting the Elderly, Póvoa de Lanhoso, 2019 (Other). 22.11.2019 Original title: A autonomia e a dignidade na velhice: a importância dos idosos nas nossas vidas.
  • The Relation between Nutritional Status, Sedentary Behavior and Quality of Life in the Portuguese Non-Institutionalized Elderly Population

    Duque, Eduardo. The Relation between Nutritional Status, Sedentary Behavior and Quality of Life in the Portuguese Non-Institutionalized Elderly Population, II International Conference "Active Aging and Education", Algarve, 2019.13.09.2019 Original title: A Relação entre o Estado Nutricional, o Comportamento Sedentário e a Qualidade de Vida na População Idosa Portuguesa não Institucionalizada.
  • Families and Generations. Attitudes and values of young people and adults, Portuguese and Spanish, from 3 different periods

    Duque, Eduardo. Families and Generations. Attitudes and values of young people and adults, Portuguese and Spanish, from 3 different periods, XIII Spanish Congress of Sociology, Valencia, 2019 (Congress).5.07.2019 Original title: Familias y generaciones. Actitudes y valores de jóvenes y adultos, portugueses y españoles, de 3 diferentes periodos.
  • How much does religion interest young people? A study based on the Portuguese case

    Duque, Eduardo. How much does religion interest young people? A study based on the Portuguese case, XIII Spanish Congress of Sociology, Valencia, 2019 (Congress). 3.07.2019 Original title: ¿Cuánto interesa la religión a los jóvenes? Un estudio a partir del caso portugués.
  • The importance of non-linear thinking in the knowledge society

    Duque, Eduardo. The importance of non-linear thinking in the knowledge society, Lisbon, 2019 (Conference or lecture).21.05.2019 Original title: A importância do pensamento não linear na sociedade do conhecimento.
  • Educating for the knowledge society. The value of creativity and uncertainty.

    Educating for the knowledge society. The value of creativity and uncertainty, 11th Intermunicipal Social Days, Póvoa de Varzim, 2019 (Conference or lecture).16.05.2019 Original title: Educar para a sociedade do conhecimento. O valor da criatividade e da incerteza.
  • Changing society: Family policies and social services

    Duque, Eduardo. Changing society: Family policies and social services, The New Regime of the Accompanied Adult, Viana do Castelo, 2019 (Seminar).3.05.2019 Original title: Sociedade em transformação: Políticas familiares e Serviços Sociais.
  • School and New Technologies: the use of mobile phones and tablets in the classroom

    Duque, Eduardo. School and New Technologies: the use of mobile phones and tablets in the classroom, 7th International Congress of Educational Sciences and DevelopmentUniversidade de Granada, Spain, 2019 (Congress).24.04.2019 Original title: A Escola e as Novas Tecnologias: o uso dos telemóveis e tablets em ambiente de sala de aula.
  • Children growing up with grandparents can be safer and happier

    Duque, Eduardo. Children growing up with grandparents can be safer and happier, V Symposium "Being a Child: Feeling and Sharing", Famalicão, 2019 (Conference or lecture).23.03.2019 Original title: As crianças que crescem com os avós podem ser mais seguras e felizes.
  • Changing society: Family policies and social services

    Duque, Eduardo. Changing society: Family policies and social services, The New Regime of the Accompanied Adult, Guimarães, 2019 (Seminar).15.03.2019 Original title: Sociedade em transformação: Políticas familiares e Serviços Sociais.
  • Discontinuity and forgetfulness society

    Duque, Eduardo. Discontinuity and forgetfulness society, Biblioteca Lúcio Craveiro da Silva, Braga, 2019 (Other).9.02.2019 Original title: Sociedade da descontinuidade e do esquecimento.
  • Creativity, Innovation and values in sustainable development

    Duque, Eduardo. Creativity, Innovation and values in sustainable development,Universidade Católica de Moçambique - Quelimane, 2018 (Conference or lecture).06.12.2018. Original title: Criatividade, Inovação e valores no desenvolvimento sustentável.
  • Aging and Quality of Life

    Duque, Eduardo. Aging and Quality of Life, Conference Cycle - Social Gerontology, Auditório da Câmara Municipal de Fafe, 2018 (Conference or lecture).17.11.2018 Original title: Envelhecimento e Qualidade de Vida.
  • The problems of complex societies: the culture of liquidation, discontinuity and forgetfulness

    Duque, Eduardo. The problems of complex societies: the culture of liquidation, discontinuity and forgetfulness, Mental Health, Neurodegenerative Disease and Alzheimer's, Barcelos, 2018 (Conference or lecture).26.09.2018. Original title: Os problemas das sociedades complexas: a cultura da liquidação, da descontinuidade e do esquecimento.
  • Contributions to the understanding of society in times of great complexity

    Duque, Eduardo. Contributions to the understanding of society in times of great complexity, Rotary Club de Braga and Rotary Club Braga Norte. Hotel Mercure - Braga, 2018 (Conference or lecture).25.09.2018 Original title: Contributos para a compreensão da sociedade em tempos de grande complexidade.
  • Education as a factor of inclusion in a society without temporal depth

    Duque, Eduardo. Education as a factor of inclusion in a society without temporal depth, Reflections on Inclusion - Emerging Challenges, Barcelos, 2018 (Conference or lecture).21.09.2018 Original title: A educação como fator de inclusão numa sociedade sem profundidade temporal.
  • Horizontal Homes: an alternative social response in the provision of care to the elderly

    Duque, Eduardo. Horizontal Homes: an alternative social response in the provision of care to the elderly, X Portuguese Congress of Sociology, Covilhã, 2018 (Congress).11.07.2018. Original title: Lares Horizontais: uma resposta social alternativa na prestação de cuidados à pessoa idosa.
  • The family with their elderly. A new demographics.

    Duque, Eduardo. The family with their elderly. A new demographics, The family where it comes from and where it goes, Centro de Estudos de Bioética (CEB), Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, Porto, 2018 (Communication).7.07.2018 Original title: A família com os seus idosos. Uma nova demografia. 
  • Relation between education and art: the times of coincidence between the ethical and the aesthetic

    Calheiros, António; Duque, Eduardo. Relation between education and art: the times of coincidence between the ethical and the aesthetic, 6th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, Setúbal, 2018 (Congress).21-23.06.2018 Original title: Relação entre educação e arte: os tempos de coincidência do ético com o estético.
  • The life of the elderly in a defragmented society

    Duque, Eduardo. The life of the elderly in a defragmented society, Gerontology, Faculdade Laboro, S. Luís do Maranhão, 2018 (Conference or lecture).14.06.2018 Original title: A vida dos idosos numa sociedade desfragmentada.
  • The role of the Elderly in a complex society

    Duque, Eduardo. The role of the elderly in a complex society, Gerontology, Faculdade Laboro, Brasília, 2018 (Conference or lecture).11.06.2018 Original title: O papel dos Idosos numa sociedade complexa.
  • Analysis of three different generations of young Spanish and Portuguese

    Duque, Eduardo. Analysis of three different generations of young Spanish and Portuguese, I Intercongressional Meeting of the Sociology of Time, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2018 (Other).1.06.2018 Original title: Análisis de tres generaciones distintas de jóvenes españoles y portugueses.
  • Catholic Confessional Universities: mapping of guiding documents

    Duque, Eduardo; Duarte, Denis. Catholic Confessional Universities: mapping of guiding documents, I International Congress of Contemporary Christianity, Lisbon, 2018 (Congress). Original title: Universidades Confessionais Católicas: mapeamento dos documentos orientadores.
  • The importance of training and networking in promoting the quality of life of the elderly

    Duque, Eduardo. The importance of training and networking in promoting the quality of life of the elderly, Training as a factor of promotion of quality of life of the elderly, Teatro Gil Vicente. Barcelos, 2018 (Conference or lecture).6.02.2018 Original title: A importância da formação e do trabalho em Rede na promoção da qualidade de vida dos idosos.
  • Aging and Learning. Psychological Foundations for Active Aging

    Duque, Eduardo. Aging and Learning. Psychological Foundations for Active Aging, Braga, 2017 (Other).21.oct. Original title: Envelhecendo e Aprendendo. Fundamentos Psicológicos para um Envelhecimento Ativo.
  • Rosaries in collective identities in times of social change

    Lourenço, Júlia; Duque, Eduardo. Rosaries in collective identities in times of social change, International Congress of the Centenary of Fátima "Think Fátima", Leiria - Fátima, 2017 (Congress).Group 2 - Fátima in the perspective of religious phenomenology 21-24.06.2017 Original title: Os rosários nas identidades coletivas em tempos de mudanças sociais.
  • Forms of Violence against Elderly People and Prevention Strategies

    Duque, Eduardo. Forms of Violence against Elderly People and Prevention Strategies, International Awareness Day on the Prevention of Violence Against the Elderly, Barcelos, 2017 (Seminar).20.06.2017 Original title: Formas de Violência sobre Pessoas Idosas e Estratégias de Prevenção.
  • The art of aging well

    Duque, Eduardo. The art of aging well, The Dignity of the Elderly, Braga: Santa Casa da Misericórdia, 2017 (Conference or lecture). 24.02.2017. Original title: A arte de bem envelhecer.
  • Volunteering as a phenomenon that generates creative minorities

    Duque, Eduardo. Volunteering as a phenomenon that generates creative minorities, International Volunteer Day Celebrations, Guimarães, 2016 (Other).6.12.2016 Original title: Voluntariado como fenómeno gerador de minorias criativas.
  • The importance of spirituality in the person's life

    Duque, Eduardo. The importance of spirituality in the person's life, World Mental Health Day, Braga, 2016 (Conference or lecture).10.11.2016 Original title: A importância da espiritualidade na vida da pessoa.
  • The Elderly Ombudsman

    Duque, Eduardo. The Elderly Ombudsman, World Senior Citizen's Day celebrations, Guimarães, 2016 (Conference or lecture).14.10.2016 Original title: O provedor do Idoso.
  • Trajectories and generational attitudes. Temporalities and attitudes towards education, work and consumption of three generations of Spanish and Portuguese youths

    Durán, José; Duque, Eduardo. Trajectories and generational attitudes. Temporalities and attitudes towards education, work and consumption of three generations of Spanish and Portuguese youths, XII Spanish Sociology Congress, Gijón, Asturias, 2016 (Congress).2.07.2016. Original title: Trayectorias y actitudes generacionales. Temporalidades y actitudes ante la educación, el trabajo y el consumo de tres generaciones de jóvenes españoles y portugueses.
  • The forms of religion in contemporary society

    Duque, Eduardo. The forms of religion in contemporary society, V Luso-Brazilian Symposium on Philosophy and Sciences of Religion, Braga, 2016 (Symposium).20-23.06.2016 Original title: As formas da religião na sociedade contemporânea.
  • Corruption, violence, political instability and transparency: state of play of a pointless situation

    Duque, Eduardo. Corruption, violence, political instability and transparency: state of play of a pointless situation, XI International Conference "Great Issues in the European Area", Porto, 2016 (Communication).27-28.05.2016 Original title: Corrupção, violência, instabilidade política e transparência: ponto de situação de uma situação sem ponto.
  • Social Changes and Active Aging

    Duque, Eduardo. Social Changes and Active Aging, Seminar "The Rights of the Elderly", Câmara Municipal de Barcelos, 2016 (Conference or lecture).6.05.2016 Original title: Mudanças Sociais e Envelhecimento Ativo.
  • Ethics and Sociology of Morals

    Duque, Eduardo. Ethics and Sociology of Morals, Quality Meeting: Bechlearning Group - "Rights, Ethics and Partnerships", Lisbon, 2016 (Conference or lecture).15. January. Original title: Ética e Sociologia da Moral.
  • Migration and cultural identity

    Duque, Eduardo. Migration and cultural identity, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Lisbon, 2016 (Conference or lecture).11.01.2016 Original title: Migrações e identidade cultural.
  • Cultural changes, Religious changes

    Duque, Eduardo. Cultural changes, Religious changes, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Lisbon, 2015 (Conference or lecture).30.11.2015 Original title: Mudanças culturais, Mudanças religiosas.
  • Aging and Social Policies in Portugal

    Duque, Eduardo. Aging and Social Policies in Portugal, I Social Service Conference, Hospital de Braga, 2015 (Conference or lecture).21.10.2015 Original title: Envelhecimento e Politicas Sociais em Portugal.
  • Social movements and mobilizations: originality and challenges

    Calheiros, António; Duque, Eduardo. Social movements and mobilizations: originality and challenges, II SETED-ANTE International Congress, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2015 (Congress).1-3.07.2015 Original title: Movimentos e mobilizações sociais: originalidade e desafios.
  • Aging in a defragmented society, centered on the subject and technology

    Duque, Eduardo. Aging in a defragmented society, centered on the subject and technology, "Family and active aging", Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Barcelos, 2015 (Communication).26.05.2015 Original title: O envelhecimento numa sociedade desfragmentada, centrada no sujeito e na tecnologia.
  • The Elderly Ombudsman and public social protection systems

    Duque, Eduardo. The Elderly Ombudsman and public social protection systems, II Conferences on the theme "Law and the Elderly", Tribunal da Relação de Guimarães, 2015 (Communication).22.05.2015 Original title: O Provedor do Idoso e os sistemas públicos de proteção social.
  • The figure of the Elderly Ombudsman

    Duque, Eduardo. The figure of the Elderly Ombudsman, I Conference on "The Law and the Elderly", Elderly Protection Commission, Tribunal Judicial de Braga, 2015 (Communication).13.03.2015 Original title: A figura do Provedor do Idoso.
  • 'The Elderly Ombudsman' - Presentation of the Work Group's Conclusions

    Duque, Eduardo. Presentation of the Work Group's Conclusions, Workshop on "The Elderly Ombudsman", Centro de Cultura e Desporto da Segurança Social e Saúde de Braga, 2015 (Other).27.02.2015 Original title: Apresentação das Conclusões do Grupo de Trabalho Workshop sobre "O Provedor do Idoso".
  • Interculturality - Portuguese Emigrants in London

    Duque, Eduardo J. Interculturality - Portuguese Emigrants in London, IV Iberoamerican Conference "Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility", Corunha, 2015. (Conference or lecture). 2015/02/06 Original title: Interculturalidade - Emigrantes Portugueses em Londres.
  • Perceptions of participants and residents of the impacts of the braga 2012 european youth capital

    Remoaldo, Paula; Duque, Eduardo; Ribeiro, Cadima. Perceptions of participants and residents of the impacts of the Braga 2012 European Youth Capital,IV Iberoamerican Conference in Human Resources and Social Responsibility, Corunha - Espanha, 2015 (Communication).4, 5 and 6 of Feb.
  • Routes of Portuguese entrepreneurs in Nice and Monaco

    Duque, Eduardo. Routes of Portuguese entrepreneurs in Nice and Monaco, XIV Iberian Geography Colloquium, Universidade do Minho, 2014 (Communication).11-14 de nov. Original title: Percursos de empreendedores portugueses em Nice e Mónaco.
  • European Youth Capital 2012 - Impacts perceived by participants and residents

    Duque, Eduardo. European Youth Capital 2012 - Impacts perceived by participants and residents, XIV Iberian Geography Colloquium, Universidade do Minho, 2014 (Communication).11-14 of nov. Original title: Capital Europeia da Juventude 2012 – Impactes percecionados por participantes e residentes. 
  • Social policies and social exclusion in the urban context

    Duque, Eduardo. Social policies and social exclusion in the urban context, I Municipal Social Forum, Ilha de Santiago - Cabo Verde, 2014 (Conference or lecture).5-7 of nov. Original title: Políticas Sociais e exclusão social no contexto urbano.
  • Creativity, Innovation and Values. Elements inherent to the new social paradigm

    Duque, Eduardo. Creativity, Innovation and Values. Elements inherent to the new social paradigm, IPCA, Barcelos, 2014 (Conference or lecture).21 de Out. Original title: Criatividade, Inovação e Valores. Elementos inerentes ao novo paradigma social.
  • Palliative Care and Family Medicine - the need for a closer relationship

    Coutinho, Vítor; Duque, Eduardo; et., al.. Palliative Care and Family Medicine - the need for a closer relationship, 19th WONCA Europe 2014, Lisboa, 2014 (Poster). 4th of July.
  • Postmodernity and the denial of time

    Duque, Eduardo. Postmodernity and the denial of time, Facultad de CC Sociais e da Comunicación, Pontevedra, 2014 (Conference or lecture).5 of May. Original title: La posmodernidad y la negación del tiempo.
  • A reflection on contemporary society: the present without past or future

    Duque, Eduardo. A reflection on contemporary society: the present without past or future, Universidade de Cabo Verde - Cidade da Praia, 2014 (Conference or lecture).25 of April. Original title: Uma reflexão sobre a sociedade contemporânea: o presente sem passado nem futuro.
  • The "care with families"

    Duque, Eduardo. The "care with families", 19ª Spring Intensive Medicine Conference – JMIP 2014, Porto, 2014 (Other).10 of April. Original title: O "cuidar com as famílias".
  • Creative Destruction: the genesis of entrepreneurship

    Leite, Emanuel; Correia, Erice; Duque, Eduardo. Creative Destruction: the genesis of entrepreneurship, III Iberoamerican Conference RRHH y RSC, Corunha, 2014 (Communication).6 of Feb. Original title: Destruição Criativa: génese do empreendedorismo.
  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business Incubation, Startup and the intricacies of the Innovation Law

    Leite, Emanuel; Duque, Eduardo; Correia, Erice; Lima, Daniel; Santos, Penalva. Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business Incubation, Startup and the intricacies of the Innovation Law, III Iberoamerican Conference RRHH y RSC, Corunha, 2014 (Communication).04/02/2014 Original title: Empreendedorismo, Inovação, Incubação de Empresas, Startup e os meandros da Lei de Inovação.
  • Local sustainable development - innovation and entrepreneurship

    Duque, Eduardo; Leite, Emanuel; Correia, Erice. Local sustainable development - innovation and entrepreneurship, III Iberoamerican Conference RRHH y RSC, Corunha, 2014 (Communication).04/02/2014 Original title: Desenvolvimento sustentável local - a inovação e o empreendedorismo.
  • Is it possible to get out of the present? A prospective theory

    Duque, Eduardo. "Is it possible to get out of the present? A prospective theory", II Seminar Social Times and the Contemporary World - Crises, phases and ruptures, Braga, 2013 (Seminar).19-20 de nov. Original title: É possível sair do presente? Uma teoria prospetiva.
  • Collaborative Teaching: Sharing knowledge and interests

    Ponte, Filomena; Duque, Eduardo. Collaborative Teaching: Sharing knowledge and interests, I International Congress Students Engagement in School: Perspectives of Psychology and Education, Lisbon, 2013 (Poster).15-17 of july. Original title: Ensino Colaborativo: Partilha de saberes e interesses.
  • Priesthood as a vocation: reasons for entering the Seminary

    Duque, Eduardo J; Pereira, Cícero. Priesthood as a vocation: reasons for entering the Seminary, XI Spanish Congress of Sociology, Madrid, 2013 (Congress).10/07/2013. Original title: O Sacerdócio como Vocação: Motivos de Entrada no Seminário.
  • "Time in abundance" versus "lack of time"

    Araújo, Emília; Duque, Eduardo J. "Time in abundance" versus "lack of time", XI Spanish Congress of Sociology, Madrid, 2013 (Congress).10/07/2013 Original title: "Tempo em abundância" versus "falta de tempo".
  • Participants' perception of the impacts of the European Youth Capital 2012

    Remoaldo, Paula; Duque, Eduardo J; Carballo-Cruz, Francisco; Ribeiro, Cadima. Participants' perception of the impacts of the European Youth Capital 2012, 19th Congress of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development, Braga, 2013 (Communication).20/06/2013. Original title: Perceção dos participantes dos impactos da capital europeia da juventude 2012.
  • Human capital as an engine for sustainable development

    Duque, Eduardo. Human capital as an engine for sustainable development, 19th Congress of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development, Braga, 2013. (Communication). 20/06/2013 Original title: O capital humano como motor de desenvolvimento sustentável.
  • Social Capital as a Convergence Factor in Eurocity Tui-Valença

    Duque, Eduardo J. Social Capital as a Convergence Factor in Eurocity Tui-Valença, VIII International Conference of Major Issues of the European Space, Porto, 2013 (Other).31/05/2013 Original title: O Capital Social como Fator de Convergência na Eurocidade.
  • Time and temporalities in old age

    Duque, Eduardo. Time and temporalities in old age, IV Social Gerontology Conference "Quality of care in gerontological intervention", Braga, 2013. (Other).17/05/2013 Original title: Tempo e temporalidades na velhice.
  • The elder in intensive care, what expectations?

    Duque, Eduardo J. The elder in intensive care, what expectations?, Intensive Care Conference, Porto, 2013 (Communication). Original title: O idoso em cuidados intensivos, que espetativas?
  • Motivation for Learning: Construction and Validation of an Assessment Scale

    Duque, Eduardo J; Santiago, Katheleen; Marques, Joana; Neves, Susana. Motivation for Learning: Construction and Validation of an Assessment Scale, Informatics Teaching Conference, Braga, 2013 (Communication). Original title: Motivação para a Aprendizagem: Construção e Validação de uma Escala de Avaliação.
  • Culture and Identity in Multicultural Society

    Duque, Eduardo J. Culture and Identity in Multicultural Society, International Conference "Innovation, Development and Identity", Braga, 2013 (Conference or lecture).04/03/2013 Original title: Cultura e Identidade na sociedade Multicultural.
  • Active aging: A reflection on the issues of loneliness

    Duque, Eduardo J. Active aging: A reflection on the issues of loneliness, Active Aging, Auditório do AVEPARK- Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia SA., 2012 (Seminar).November 6, 2012. Original title: Envelhecimento activo: Uma reflexão em torno das questões da solidão.
  • Representations and expectations of PALOP university students

    Duque, Eduardo J. Representations and expectations of PALOP university students, VII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, Porto, 2012 (Communication).June 21th. Original title: Representações e expetativas dos estudantes universitários dos PALOP.
  • Work values in Portuguese society and in Europe

    Duque, Eduardo J. Work values in Portuguese society and in Europe, I International Meeting on Work, Organizations and Professions: conceptual recompositions and empirical challenges, FLUP, 2011 (communication).07/07/2011 Original title: Os valores do trabalho na sociedade portuguesa e na Europa.
  • The youth before the religious phenomenon

    Duque, Eduardo. The youth before the religious phenomenon, (Inter)Diocesan Encounter in Training of Catholic Moral and Religious Education Teachers SNEC, Beja, Lisbon and Braga, 2018 (Conference or lecture). Beja 3.02; Lisbon: 17.02; Braga: 3.03. Original title: O jovem perante o fenómeno religioso.
  • Reality reading methods in Cultural changes and contemporary demands

    Duque, Eduardo. Métodos de leitura da realidade, Cultural changes and contemporary demands, Ilha de Santiago - Cabo Verde, 2014 (Conference or lecture). Original title: Métodos de leitura da realidade.
  • Qualidade do cuidado na intervenção gerontológica

    Duque, Eduardo J. Tempo e temporalidades na velhice,IV Jornadas de Gerontologia Social "Qualidade do cuidado na intervenção gerontológica",Braga,2013 (Outra).
  • The meaning of life in the post-Modern horizon

    Duque, Eduardo J. The meaning of life in the post-Modern horizon, The meaning of life in the post-Modern horizon, Guimarães, 2013 (Conference or lecture). Original title: O Sentido da vida no horizonte pós-Moderno.
  • Human capital as an engine for sustained development

    Duque, Eduardo J. Human capital as an engine for sustained development, Congress of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development, Braga, 2013 (Communication). Original title: O capital humano como motor de desenvolvimento sustentado.
  • Time, Technology: New Temporalities, other subjectivities

    Araújo, Emília; Duque, Eduardo J. Time, Technology: New Temporalities, other subjectivities, XI Spanish Congress of Sociology, Madrid, 2013 (Congress). Original title: Tiempo, Tecnología: Nuevas Temporalidades, otras subjectividades.
  • Aging and old age in Portugal. Challenges and intervention strategies - a sociological perspective.

    Duque, Eduardo J. Aging and old age in Portugal. Challenges and intervention strategies - a sociological perspective, 1st CONFERENCE "Aging and Quality of Life: The (im)possibility of aging in place as a development paradigm", Hotel Meliã em Braga, 2012 (Conference or lecture). Original title: O envelhecimento e a velhice em Portugal. Desafios e estratégias de intervenção - uma perspetiva sociológica.
  • Counter-urbanization: landscape and humanity

    Duque, Eduardo J; Calheiros, António. Counter-urbanization: landscape and humanity, VII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, Porto, 2012 (Communication). Original title: A Contraurbanização: paisagem e humanidade.
  • Social Capital, Local Development and Social Cooperation in Global Thinking, Local Intervention Seminar: Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development

    Duque, Eduardo J. Social Capital, Local Development and Social Cooperation, Global Thinking, Local Intervention Seminar: Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development, Lamego, 2012 (Conference or lecture). Original title: Capital Social, Desenvolvimento Local e Cooperação Social.
  • Collective cultural identity: from modernity to postmodernity in Lifelong Learning: Qualification and Skills

    Duque, Eduardo J. Collective cultural identity: from modernity to postmodernity, Lifelong Learning: Qualification and Skills, Vila Verde: Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde, 2012 (Conference or lecture). Original title: Identidade cultural Coletiva: da modernidade à pós-modernidade.
  • Values of modern society: a vision of social change

    Duque, Eduardo J. Values of modern society: a vision of social change, VI Andalusian Congress of Sociology: "The Constitution of Societies", Cádiz, 2012 (Communication). Original title: Valores de la sociedad moderna: una visión del cambio social.
  • Envelhecimento e vulnerabilidades: implicações na intervenção gerontológica

    Duque, Eduardo J. Sociedade Geradora de Vulnerabilidades,Jornadas de Gerontologia Social - "Envelhecimento e vulnerabilidades: implicações na intervenção gerontológica",FACIS - UCP,2012 (Comunicação).
  • Modern and current situation of religion: between criticism and utopia in Religion and World: cohabitation modes

    Duque, Eduardo J. Modern and current situation of religion: between criticism and utopia, Religion and World: cohabitation modes, Braga - Universidade do Minho, 2012 (Seminar). Original title: Situação moderna e actual da religião: entre a crítica e a utopia.
  • The social times and the contemporary world - Contributions to a critique of the acceleration of time

    Duque, Eduardo J. Contributions to a critique of the acceleration of time, Seminar "The social times and the contemporary world", Braga - Universidade do Minho, 2012 (Communication). Original title: Os tempos sociais e o mundo contemporâneo.
  • Value Excellence in Educating for Excellence

    Duque, Eduardo J. Value Excellence, Educating for Excellence, School Drª Laura Ayres - Quarteira, 2011 (Conference or lecture). Original title: Valor Excelência.
  • A critical look at modern society. Clues to where the story goes

    Duque, Eduardo J. A critical look at modern society. Clues to where the story goes, Guimarães, 2011 (Conference or lecture). Original title: Um olhar crítico sobre a sociedade moderna. Pistas para onde vai a história.
  • Family values in postmodernity

    Duque, Eduardo J. Family values in postmodernity, I Forum - Rethinking the Elderly in the 21st Century, Auditório Municipal de Vieira do Minho, 2011 (Conference or lecture). Original title: Valores da família na Pós-modernidade.
  • Gender equality as a transforming axis and generator of new realities

    Duque, Eduardo J. Gender equality as a transforming axis and generator of new realities, Gender Equality - Shared leadership in public and private spaces: Strategies for change, Casa do Professor - Braga, 2011 (Conference or lecture). Original title: A igualdade de género como eixo transformador e gerador de novas realidades.
  • Heritage as a source of sustainable development in the interior regions of the North of Portugal

    Duque, Eduardo J. Heritage as a source of sustainable development in the interior regions of the North of Portugal, VII Congress "The economic and social returns of cultural heritage and museums", Faculty of Philosophy - Donostia-San Sebastián, 2011 (Communication). Original title: El Patrimonio como fuente de Desarrollo Sostenible en las Regiones del Interior Norte de Portugal.
  • Social capital as a tool for sustainable development

    Duque, Eduardo J. Social capital as a tool for sustainable development, Territory, Local and Regional Development Seminar, Universidade do Minho, 2011 (Communication). Original title: Capital social como instrumento de desenvolvimento sustentável.
  • Values and transformations of family in modern times in The Problem of Aging in Modern Society

    Duque, Eduardo J. Values and transformations of family in modern times, The Problem of Aging in Modern Society, Biblioteca Municipal - Vila Nova de Famalicão,2011 (Conference or lecture). Original title: Os valores e as transformações da família na modernidade.
  • Differentiation of the creencial universe from those who believe in resurrection and reincarnation

    Duque, Eduardo J. Differentiation of the creencial universe from those who believe in resurrection and reincarnation, XXII Theological Conference, Faculty of Theology – UCP, 2010 (Conference or lecture).
  • The individual of modernity and postmodernity in Promotion and Protection of children

    Duque, Eduardo J. The individual of modernity and postmodernity, Promotion and Protection of children, Faculty of Social Sciences - UCP, 2010 (Conference or lecture). Origial title: O indivíduo da modernidade e pós-modernidade.
  • The organization of the Community to promote its endogenous development

    Duque, Eduardo J. The organization of the Community to promote its endogenous development, Guimarães, 2010 (Conference or lecture). Original title: A organização da Comunidade para a promoção do seu desenvolvimento endógeno.

